
Hi, This is my personal Site.
My name is Fienri Bazmara D

I spent most of my time growing up in Bandung City......
where the fresh air, the sight,  the weather, the creativity, the trees, the style, the school, the universities, the cultures, the mall, the man, the girl, THE MUSIC, the "CHAT a.k.a tempat Kongkow" are soooo...... delightful. 

I love SURFING so much...... 
I'm not a pro surfer, i even still don't know  HOW TO SURF but i'd love to surf at anytime and any place... (as long as theres a budget) :P

My main concern in making money is System Management and Human Resources.... but lately, i'm thinking of how to make money from home...   ^_^

 MUSIC is one thing that i am really-really grateful to GOD coz He Create music on our life... i just cant barely imagine how it would be life without MUSIC....
I love Michael buble, Boyz2Men, KEANE, SILVERCHAIR, Coldplay, Weezer, Frente, Oasis, My Chemical Romance and all "that kind" of music....
Anyway, Hope you can enjoy my Site.....

GOD SPEED........................

fienri bazmara


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